DB: I do not know what there financial structure is but i would guess to think that most would come from sports book and drugs ,poker machines,high end card games,shy,

Now the most coming from drugs even if you don't count the millions in cocaine ,heroin ,ecstasy ,
You still have millions in marijuana,i know guys back in the 80s that were grossing millions in marijuana per year.
And if he just has a few big fish moving the high grade they would be dealing with a sure bet .
The clientele are very reliable,educated,stable income ,that's the kind of bizz that you can count on to make money to stand the test of time.and the money is great ,if he had 3 people good at there jobs, two thousand a week from each is easy.
And no shit heads to deal with,usually hard working 20 to 60 year old's as customers.And those figures were 30, 40 years ago, I hear now the shit is like GOLD....

But nobody does that, that is illegal (that would support a life in Boca driving Rovers ect.)

Last edited by Serpiente; 03/16/14 06:58 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."