Originally Posted By: cookcounty

that type of rhetoric will only hold u back in life

if you're white and mad at black people then you don't understand "your" country

Stop. Please. I like Black people fine. I just don't like you.

There's a marked difference between calling out one member of an ethnic group and attacking that group as a whole. And if I crossed a line while going after you, then I apologize to the other Black posters on this board. But my track record here, and in my actual life, speaks for itself.

My best friend for over thirty years is a Black man. I have two adult Black Godchildren who still call me Uncle. And as an Italian American, other Italian Americans who walk around acting like Vinny Barbarino drive me up a fucking wall. But such unfortunates do exist. Some people just have to live down to the stereotype. We have our Vinny Barbarinos, the Black community has you.

But when the unintelligent are backed into a corner about race, they ALWAYS play the race card. Whether they're White, Black, Asian or Latino.

Originally Posted By: fergie
Pizzaboy...pick your arguements, an old saying...never wrestle with a chimney sweep, you always end up dirty. Ignore bullshit and keep posting the good stuff like you always do

Thank you, Fergie. That's nice of you to say. And I'm going to take your advice. I'm done with him.

Have a nice life, Cook.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.