Its a street game lottery. Everybody picks 7 numbers from 1-70 or 1 to whatever number it goes to in that state. Its usually $20 dollars to get in. If nobody hits all their numbers its rolled over into the next week until somebody hits all 7 numbers combining all numbers played for the real state lottery. Sometimes it takes 6 or 7 weeks for somebody to finally hit. Some games require $20 each week to stay in. With a big city like chicago or new york, you have thousands of people playing meaning the pot starts out with $30,000 or $40,000. Ive seen a pot grow to $350,000. Then the funniest part happens. The guy who runs it takes $100,000 off the top. Then the agent who delivers the money takes $20,000 off for his pocket. And when the guy who wins sees its 120,000 short, theres nothing he can say. Huge money in this racket

Thats a lie