Was in Atlantic City this weekend and stopped by Georgia ave again. Was looking for a place to have lunch and figured I would walk past. Took some pics which I can upload later ... I think I mentioned in this thread last year but the place is extremely run down. The church is across the street thru the parking lot..there was a gentlemen outside his house two doors down from Nicky's building. He had lived there through the whole scarfo era. Nice guy so I chatted up with him for a bit. He said he did some renovation on his house in 1981 and there was a news article on it - I guess the it was a real old building - anyway he said the article turned into an article on Nicky. He said he felt bad so he walked over and apologized to Nicky and he said not to worry about it - happened all the time. He also said that Nicky and Phil and the crew were all really nice good people but then he also said "but I didn't do business with them". I was going to have lunch at angelonis but it wasn't open. The whole area is Mexican now - the guy said there was one Italian family all the way down the street but that's it.