Originally Posted By: PhillyMob
Yes very good. Always interesting reading material.

Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Great read.Thanks

Originally Posted By: Longislandguy14
Good post!

Thanks guys!

Originally Posted By: DB
In the 1958 bust with Vito Genovese you need to include Andimo Pappadio as he was one of the top players in that operation along with Vito and Ormento , all 3 were friends having grown up with each other . Andimo was lucky and acquited . Andimo was one of the more powerful gangsters people never heard of , real low key guy that owned the garment district and big dope pusher.

Thanks! Will include him in the post.

Originally Posted By: barry
didn't galante chop him down to size !

Pappadio was killed, but no one can say for sure why and who was behind it.

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