Good question. If I was Crea, I would let bygones be bygones. Zappola is still pretty young by captains standards and could be an asset, if you are able to keep him in line. For Zappola, I would blame it on Casso trying to still pull strings to keep control of the family. I think Crea's smart enough to know that popping Zapolla and possibly Conte as well, simply for past issues, would bring unnecessary heat.

Speaking of Zapolla, I was reading this interesting article about him living large in prison.. I wasn't sure how to post the link so I just copied the whole article below...

By Murray Weiss
May 14, 2000 | 4:00am

The anguished mother of a Staten Island man slain gangland-style says she hasn’t slept since learning her son’s killer enjoyed the high life in jail.
“My reaction was disgust with the courts, the judges, the prosecutors,” said Ruby Taglianecci, referring to an exclusive report in last Sunday’s Post detailing the jailhouse life of George “Georgie Neck” Zappola, a convicted Luchese crime-family capo.
“I was just so outraged to read that this guy was living like a king while my son is gone forever.”
In jail, Zappola dined on the same food he enjoyed before his 1996 plea bargain – to a string of murders and racketeering charges – in exchange for a 22-year prison term.
Zappola and a host of other Luchese and Gambino mobsters doing time with him at the federal lockup in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, transformed the jail into a Mafia social club.
They corrupted guards, who helped them turn the prison into a scene from the movie “Goodfellas” with inmates enjoying sausages, veal cutlets, eggplant, vodka, wine and drugs.
Zappola even got a guard to smuggle his sperm out of jail in a bid to have his girlfriend get impregnated at a Manhattan fertility clinic.
Taglianecci’s son, Richard, 33, was dating Zappola’s sister-in-law when he was ambushed by a ski-masked hit man who jumped from a van outside his home and cut him down in a hail of bullets.
Ruby Taglianecci believes her son “paid with his life” because he had argued with another of Zappola’s relatives.
“When I read the life [Zappola] has, I got sick and I haven’t slept since then,” she said. “The whole judicial system is a sham.”
She said she expressed her anger at the government the day Zappola cut a plea-bargain deal in which he admitted he was behind her son’s murder.
“If I had my way, I would not even shoot him,” she said. “It is too good for him. I’d cut him up into little pieces because that’s what he deserves.”
“He should at least be put in jail like Gotti, for life … and not making babies and leaving his wife living in a mansion with ill-gotten gains while my son is dead,” she said.
The Taglianeccis said Richard was a hard worker who overhauled used cars and sold them.

"What's a murder?" - Fat Tony