Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
I just don't see how he can stay out of state and still keep running things forever..who knows,I just feel like after a while people would start to resent the fact that they're kicking up all their $ to someone who's sitting out of harms way in another state while everyone else is out doing the grunt work.yet I don't know shit about him or philly.. He could be moving his wife down to florida for all I know and continue to stay away from everything. It would be smart if he stayed away but I guess we will see.. He's obviously still getting a piece, he lives well and just went on vacation to some fucking tropical island with his wife.. Was driving a ferarri around the shore a few months ago.. I doubt he's working a 9 to 5 busting his ass so the money must be coming from somewhere.

you would resent a guy who spent half his life in prison and never opened his mouth and opened the door for what you are doing now? He put in just as much work and time as all these guys you are in position today. I'm sure the feds are all over his finances. You people see a few pics on instagram and all of a sudden you know everything. His wife is far from broke and he was alot of friends and family all over ever think it was someone elses car he was supposedly driving? Only accurate thing you said so far is that you dont know shit about Philly or him.