Not aware of any comments he made about Italians but without looking it up, you can tell a lot about how when and where some celebs grew up if you follow their work.

A PAL coach of mine (Mr. "Turle dove" in Italian)once said to me that people in certain cities depending on their age/ethnicity were on either end of classic American immigration story. One ethnicity has an enclave of their one comes in...gets picked on, beat up bullied....etc...until the old group moves out and the new group has the numbers....cycle continues.

Mr. T disliked Irish people....partly because he caught all types of hell growing up from Irish people.

He said that Hollywood's obsession with mafia and their limited depictions of Italians was based on certain groups resenting Italians for the same reasons.

Spike's family was first Black family in an Italian neighborhood in Brooklyn. You can read certain residual feelings towards Italians in some of his work.

Howard Stern, the same way. I was a teen and thought Stern was one of the FUNNIEST guys EVER....then at some point..he launched bitter
attacks against Black people on his radio show. Haven't listened to him since.
But if you look up his story.....his family was one of the LAST white families in Roosevelt, Long Island as Black families moved in. They refused to sell.

Spike, in a subtle manner...and Stern in an open manner......are holding on to long held resentment towards certain groups of people