Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: funkster
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: funkster
Don't know the ins and outs of the law, but it's odd that it was the FBI that was the lead in this. Why not CPD? Wonder if the Outfit involvement is more than we currently know.

the mafia doesn't operate in enough "chicago" neighborhoods for the CPD to chase them

they operate in crooked ass suburbs

it's odd that the feds keep busting outfit associates right before they commit a crime

It depends on whose jurisdiction this would have fallen under. If these meetings Mandell was having were in Chicago and if "Club Med" really was in Edgebrook, that would fall under Chicago authority, not the suburbs.

The Feds can bump local law enforcement if the investigation involves federal crimes

Exactly what I mean. That's why I wonder if there isn't more to this than we know. Did the feds take over this conspiracy to murder investigation simply because of the meetings with known Outfit members, or is there more to this investigation than we've been made aware of?