Most people who have an interest in such things, (apparently except for a few FBI worshipping boy scouts) fully realize that misinformation is a time tested tool of the FBI, and most all law enforcement agencies. The FBI has used misinformation in both public and internal documents for nearly 60 years. For those who don’t know, it has two primary functions
1. A way to detect leaks
2. A way to generate chatter among those they have under surveillance
Here is how detecting leaks works;
The FBI creates an internal classified document that is distributed to certain sections, departments and individuals. It is totally false and manufactured. If the contents or subject of the document is ever discussed outside the agency, since there is no truth to it, BINGO, someone leaked it and they have it narrowed down to those who had access to the document.
Here is how the creation of chatter works.
Again, the FBI creates a document, this time public, the same things everyone has seen on the internet.
They will publish something as ridiculous as for example, Chicago having 28 made members, something some people in these very forums have swallowed hook, line and sinker.
Make no mistake, wise guys love their own press and they read these things. Inevitably this creates chatter among those both on and off the list, and when they talk, the FBI listens.
This is why what the FBI publishes about OC in public places should not only be taken with a grain of salt, it should be disregarded all together

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.