"sorry if that sounds like I'm telling you what story to write, im sure you've already got that part down roughly."

Not at all, I appreciate the help. Yeah, my story has already been planned out and most of the major plot points are pretty set in stone, but the details are definitely not. So far I have three chapters written, some of which have been rewritten a few times already. If worse comes to worst, I could find a different city to set it in. I'm hoping I don't have to, because I know Detroit might be an ideal spot for the story but I've never been there and really don't want to. I know, I'm a pussy lol.

"know you don't want to give away too much on here but is the crime family or a member of one the main characters of your story?"

I don't mind sharing some stuff about the premise, I just didn't want to bore people in the OP with it unless they were interested or thought it was relevant. The protagonist is a hitman who is very loosely affiliated with the "Sasso Family," who are based on the rumors surrounding the modern day "Cleveland Family" (or what little I know of). He's not a made member though, as he is both Swedish and gay, and a bit of a wild card. He generally likes to keep a fair distance from everybody, especially the mobsters he works for.

"If not they can be a pretty shitty group of people, they really could be a crime family on its last legs with junkies, psychos and old people making up the ranks. You get like a few guys that get tired of being apart of a dying enterprise so they rip off some big time drug gang that comes after the entire family and their all trying to survive."

That's actually pretty close to what I've been writing so far, minus the part about the big time drug gang. It's more like an old timer hanger-on using psychos and junkies (who aren't in the family) to try and steal from other higher ranking old timers.