Originally Posted By: TheArm
This came up on another thread and I would like people’s honest opinion on it
Was America better off with a strong LCN, or are we better off now?
Before you answer, consider a few things
The construction industry and the state of infrastructure then and now
Pay day loan companies that charge 300 percent interest
“Private equity firms” which do nothing more then bust out companies legally
The safety or certain urban areas today vs 30 years ago
Who filled the power vacuum?
Can anyone remember a stray bullet from a wise guy killing a kid playing in their yard?
Service and quality in the casino industry then and now

Please discuss

I was gonna reply to this in another thread, where you made similar point about selective outrage.

There is a fallacy that people like believe crime is dead, etc. The fact is Goldman Sachs backed a truck up to the US Treasury in 2008 and emptied it the fuck out. There wasn't a cop in sight. Crime is alive and well.

Until police get off their asses and start enforcing these crimes - and there are many of them - then I can't buy into the whole "crime is low" vibe. The payday loans, banksters, personal injury attorneys are criminals to me.

Even though mob guys were criminals, they looked out for the neighborhood. They didn't foreclose every house in the neighborhood, or trash it with upzoning (see NYC city council).