at 7:05 into the interview Spider's sister said Tommy Hill referred to her family as rats, according to the movie it was Desimone who called him and his entire family rat's. After listening to this interview I have a few questions, unless I'm mistaken Goodfellas never shows Tommy Hill killing anybody. This to me is unbelievable. I personally think Tommy Hill has killed a few people himself, out on the streets, I am not referring to his time served in Vietnam. Can anybody confirm this?
Not only that Hill exhibits the characteristics of a sociopath, "I'm sorry, but see ya wouldn't want to be ya?" Very non - genuine. Further antagonizing the sister... Howard Stern's interview could have served the purpose of bringing some type of closure towards the family but it almost seems as if he and Marie were trying to further capitalize on this situation.

Henry Hill is a sad case in reality, A junkie broke ass uncircumcised whore who married some Jew girl in an attempt to live in upper class society, yet ended up back in the gutter with his alcohol and drug addictions, plus he even looks like shit.

However I have to disagree with you guys the sister didn't make him out to be an angel, just another guy with an addiction.