Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: cheech
And TheArm I got no beef with you. Just thought you came in a little hot with I know this and that one talk. I can sit here all day and say who I was around as a boy and what would it matter? Some 16 year old kid will dm me and ask me if I ever rode in Midge's Cadillac. And honestly it's best not to say much anyway. The real guys will be skeptical and the gullible ones will irritate u to do death with terrible questions. It's a lose lose IMO.
Look at the Philly thread. Ppl are asking Serpentine what Phil Leonetti liked to eat for christsake. It's borderline psychotic and this place has gone hill cause of it.

Ditto on the no Beef Cheech.
I know what you mean, on one hand I am told I need to "prove" any claim I make, and on the other I am told anything I say can be found on the internet...lol...catch 22
What I am not going to do is disclose on an open web site to prove my background. It did it once privatly not long ago, but only after the person gave me enough info himself on the topic we were discussing for me to know he wasnt just fishing.
People are free to believe or disbeleive anything they like, it really makes no differrence.

TheArm knows all about the Outfit's prostitution racket...that's where you grew up right?