Originally Posted By: slumpy
Uh you're the one who made the claims and thus the onus is on you to provide the evidence... Which you have never done, once. you expect people to take your word for it. That's not how life works, and its pretty sad I even have to explain this to a grown ass man (supposedly).

So until YOU provide evidence for YOUR claims most people will continue filing everything you say under "B", for bullshit. Because, without evidence, that's all it will ever be. A few gullible idiots may believe that, because you can drop a few names, that you're some kind of mafia insider... Which, if you were, I sincerely doubt you'd be on here talking about it instead of living it.

It's not on me to provide shit son....LOL
I already told you, I don't give your mothers fat ass what you believe or don't. Why would I care about the opinion of a mope with orange cheetos dust on his skid marked boxers posting from his Mom's basement like you.
The fact that you can't refute anything I have ever said IS my evidence.
Since you suffer from mental illness and are none to bright...I’ll say it again, refute or disprove anything I have ever posted. Names, dates, incidents bios, anything. If you can’t, and you can’t, it just goes to show what a complete punk ass bitch you are…come on Corkey….bust me….LOL
BTW..."Most people" is better, but still a form of delusional psychosis, you still have a ways to go

Last edited by TheArm; 02/19/14 01:53 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.