Originally Posted By: slumpy
my ilk? what ilk would that be? People who don't pretend to be associated with organized crime families to (attempt to) impress people on an online community?

Last I checked the ability to communicate effectively without the use of profanity was how one displayed their calm, cool, collectedness. And, might I add that a "projection complex" is Algebra jargon, not the state of projecting ones insecurities onto others. Further, projection is a theory devised by one Sigmund Freud who has largely been denounced by modern psychology/psychiatry.

But of course, you knew all that, right? Or should we end this ridiculous charade?

See, there goes you blood presure rising again, and your projection kicking in again
Your ilk, is actually people who hear things second and third hand, and try to pass it off as irrefutable forst hand knowledge. That never works with people, like myself, who actually know what they are talking about. It just makes you look silly.
For the record, I am the type of guy who uses profanity when I am perfectly calm, if I am angey or upset, I become very articulate and a master wordsmith.
I told you before Corkey, I am the best connected guy someone like you will ever talk to, listen and learn, or listen to fucking mooks who cut and paste off FBI public web sites and parrot whet they heard on a documentary on Crime TV...your choice.
Bottom line on this topic...there is no super human calabrese boogie man gangsters hiding in the clost...it is fantasy, myth and hype

Last edited by TheArm; 02/19/14 12:51 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.