Old Mooney had something the ladies favored, that's for sure. MM, Judith Campbell Exner, McGuire, and another one I believe Seela (sp). I'm sure there were many, many more. He was quite the ladies man!

I listened to his nephew last night (YouTube) talking about all the women, the Kennedys, Castro, Sinatra, etc. This was probably the thirtieth or fortieth time I've seen the YouTube videos. I try to learn something easy time.

I've spent over a year researching and studying the Ricca, Accardo and Giancana era. For some reason I find this time 40's - 70's, very interesting. Lots of different views on who did what, when and why. I've corresponded with several people in Chicago ( email & telephone) about this time period and heard some really interesting stories. I've attempted to talk with some former FBI agents who live and work in Chicago ( Wayne Johnson, James Wagner) but have not been successful. There are several others that I may contact. Most of these guys have written about Ricca , Giancana and Accardo, so I pretty well know how they feel about each man.

I need to stop rambling. I just like this post-Capone era.