Dixie Mafia used to be big around northern Alabama, Mississippi, and SW Tennessee for the most part. Remember Buford Pusser? Walking Tall? He spent almost his whole career fighting these guys. They weren't very well organized, if at all, and seemed to operate in small, semi-independent bands in small towns where the local police force could be easily corrupted. Whorehouses, illegal stills, gambling, and some drugs were the main rackets these guys were involved in. Occasionally, they would have to kill someone and Kirksey Nix, purportedly the leader of the Dixie Mafia, was already doing life for killing someone in a robbery and ordering a hit on a judge from jail when he conceived a scam from prison designed to make him enough money to bribe the parole board. He and his associates placed ads in gay magazines and eventually gathered a couple hundred thousand dollars from the scam before it was found out.

I don't really know much about current goings-on; most of it is drug-oriented such as family-operated marijuana or prescription drug rings, cheap stuff that goes over well with country folk. I know a guy from high school doing 15-20 in federal for running an interstate oxy ring.

"Snakes... Snakes... I don't know no Snakes."