Although the Oakland chapter of then Hells Angels is by far the most notorious, I do not think you can put them on the same level as Holland, Germany, or Canada. although they do make a lot of money in drugs, they do not control any part of the market as they do in Europe., mainly due to intense competition here. In terms of the United States, they are probably number 1. Although the New York City Chapter and the Rochester chapter work closely together and I know for a fact they are heavy into drugs. They have connections North of the border as well. All I am saying is you cannot underestimate the Angels on the East Coast. The last indictment against the Rochester HA is pretty weak.

Here is the indictment

Also here is an interview with JC, the president of the Rochester chapter. This is a typical interview where he claims that they are just fun loving, hard drinking, All American bikers, but they are not criminals, at least not all of them lol.

You say share my life, and I think share my tequila. And then I think.... no.-Principal Lewis