Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: Gingello101182
Here is a link where they mention Tookie and his friends smoking PCP before.


Thank for the link. Tookie was a pos, even if he did apparently change he still needed to be executed. I mean why did he even have to kill them?

I agree he HAD to die. The good deeds done in jail were done only because he was in jail. He was a monster and lethal injection served him well. I still laugh when I see video of him on the gong show flexing like a nice guy. When in reality he was a sick fuck. But made for movie type life so very interesting stories from his time.

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-