Ndrangheta don't really 'run' the whole cocaine trade. In Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria,...they have a large share of the cocaine market.
In the UK and Ireland it's mostly homegrown crime groups that have extensive contacts with Colombian and Mexican drug trafficking groups. They are able to bring in the cocaine without the need of Ndrangheta middle men.
In the Netherlands criminal organizations based in the country also don't always need the Ndrangheta. Outlaw Motorcycle-linked groups (such as the mostly Dutch Hells Angels or the Moluccan Satudarah), Moroccan groups and Curaçaoan gangs like No Limit Soldiers are able to bring in the stuff themselves. I would say the Dutch motorcycle gangs are the ones in Europe that are the most active in organized crime. The German ones too, to a lesser extent. Curaçaoan gangs on the other hand have always been inherently linked to Colombian drug barons.
In France it's mostly the Corsican mafia or the Yéniche gypsy and North African groups operating within impoverished ghetto communities.
In Scandinavia it's largely Balkan (Serbo-Montenegrin and Albanian) gangs.
There are a lot of groups active in cocaine trafficking, the power of the Ndrangheta depends on the country.