Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
It seems like it would be easier for the NY families to just import their own coke then trade for Heroin instead of playing the looptedy loop as shown in the map.

Also it seems like once the money is made from the Heroin, they send it down to Georgetown to send more coke to Italy? Too many back and forths fellas...

I don't think they were trading it for heroin. There were two fairly small heroin deals but they were completely separate to the coke deal. The coke was destined for italy and was gonna get everyone a nice cut. They were probably gonna continue shipping massive amounts like that through the same route and the money was gonna come back through the calabrians in new york, unless this was a one time deal thing thats the way i see it.

Also the gambinos could just buy coke and heroin from suppliers in new york or anywhere else in the US for that matter there would be no need for this kind operation where there going abroad and helping calabrians set up.