Let's start with discussion that came from yesterday's announcement that Derek Jeter will retire after this year. No baseball fan can dispute that Jeter will be a first-ballot Hall of Famer. But it's interesting to see where his place will be in history.

I think we can discuss where Jeter fits in within the past 25-30 years and all-time. Part of my argument is prompted by what I heard on ESPN this morning and it was an interesting conversation. Jeter has been a very good fielding shortstop, much like Ozzie Smith, Omar Vizquel, Barry Larkin, and Cal Ripken. But Jeter was not just a defensive wizard like Smith & Vizquel because Jeter was anything but an offensive liability. It was his offensive production that made him great. So in that regard, he has similarities to Larkin & Ripken. Going back further into the 70s and 80s, Jeter can be compared to Robin Yount.

I think what set Jeter apart from everyone but Yount was the clutch hitting, particularly in the playoffs. Jeter's numbers benefited from the expanded playoff formats, whereas Yount played only when there was a 5 game ALCS and the World Series. And Yount's Brewer teams came nowhere near the level of the supporting cast Jeter has enjoyed with the Yankees.

I hope Jeter is healthy enough to play a full final season. I'd like to see him go out strongly rather than end his career due to injury.