Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: ChiSox74
The Arm seems to know what he's talking about and doesn't say anything outlandish. I don't know why anyone would doubt his credibility and unless you guys have real inside information.

Well, let's see here. Not only does the guy want us to believe there is still a mob family in Rockford - there isn't - he also expects us to believe he is someone who would know about their inner workings and is here to tell us all about it on the internet.

Common sense alone should tell you he's full of it. Just another in a long line of mob forum bullshitters come to waste everyone's time.

Son, you're a joke.
You know nothing, and offer nothing but cut and pasted and transposed media bullshit.
No Rockford family?
I am quite literally laughing in your face...and so is anyone else who knows anything.
I have told you no "inner workings" corkey, number one I am fresh out of crayons, paper puppets, and shiny objects, and second thats not what I do.
You said it best yourself...."And as long as it doesn't conflict with what the feds say - who are always the best source of info - I rarely, if ever, question them"
That ALONE proves you are a nobody who knows nothing.
If you would have beleived the FEDs, the 5 NY familes were extinct in 1990...what a mook
Like I said kid, you're a joke...I am the best connected guy y6ou will ever be educated by....STFU and listen, you might learn something

Last edited by TheArm; 02/13/14 12:54 AM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.