Originally Posted By: Scarface1981
Interesting to see more information on this. The Calabrian's already import huge amounts of drugs to the port, so i am curious as to why the Gambino family were needed here? Presumably the route from south america to europe would not come through the us? I am by no means an expert though, i am just interested.

The Gambino connection involved the plan to start moving drugs into New York.

Originally Posted By: JoeTheBoss
It's fascinating to see the connections. I wonder who the South American cartel is. I assume its gotta be in Colombia given the rep of Colombia and their cartels. Columbian cartels below:

Los Urabeños
Los Rastrojos
The Black Eagles
The Office of Envigado
Ejército Popular de Liberación (Formerly considered a guerrilla movement, as of 2013 considered a drug cartel.)
Libertadores del Vichada
Bloque Meta

Other organizations in Colombia involved in drug trafficking include:

Apparently the connection was with Mexican cartels operating in South America, specifically Guyana.

People may recall that there was a huge bust back in 2008 that involved the 'Ndrangheta, the Gulf cartel, as well as Genovese associates Vincenzo and Giulio Schirippa.

Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Ivy, is he pronouncing 'Ndrangheta correctly in the second video? I always have seen it spelled but never pronounced.

Carmela is the resident Italian expert here but the way he pronounced it is how I've heard other Italian law enforcement officials say it.

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
And you're probably right about that, Dom. But I remember that not a month or so ago, someone made a ridiculous post about how the current administrations of the New York families were "too well insulated" to have to worry about long prison sentences anymore, and how so and so was likely to "die in his own bed," or some equally ridiculous statement.

And it wasn't you, Dom. I think it was one of the fly-by-night posters that we get here occasionally. But do you see what I mean when I say that the life is just too fucking unpredictable to made such silly predictions? No one expected Gravano or Massino, yet after the fact everyone was a Monday Morning Quarterback. I knew they were no fucking good. Bull-SHIT you did.

All it takes is one pinch and a single domino to start a chain reaction. And this may end up being a bullshit case, and Frank may not have a thing to worry about. I'm just pointing out the fact that the Feds are still the Feds, and regardless of what's happened in a few recent cases, those Feds will ALWAYS bat over 90 percent at trial. It all evens out in the long run, and the Feds will always stack the deck in their own favor. And that's that.

As far as this case, I have to read a bit more about it when I have the time. But I don't like the International angle. I predicted a long time ago that the Feds would eventually re-shape the anti-terror laws to hurt these guys. And if one of the foreign nationals has even the slightest connection to a group who did even a little dope business with a terrorist cell, the Feds will change the laws to treat them all like terrorists. I don't think it's right, but they'll do it in a heartbeat if they can get away with it.

+ 1,000

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