Simply not true. There are guys in the Elmwood Park Crew that operate under their Capo and there are a few guys in the Elmwood Park Crew who are direct with DiFronzo who have backed off. The Elmwood Park Crew is not obsolete or 100% legit.

Grand Ave is still a functioning Crew but is probably the smallest of the 4 Crews. To say it is obsolete along with the entire Elmwood Park Crew is simply untrue and actually somewhat ridiculous.

All 4 Crews function to various degrees and DiFronzo
is still the Power much like Accardo was the Power behind the scenes for many years.

The Outfit was not divided into two seperate sections. Before Mike Sarno went away, he received messages and certain instructions passed on to him from John DiFronzo through a messenger.

Money was passed up to DiFronzo for his Political Connections
from Cicero, 26th Street & Grand Ave. DiFronzo operates no differently than Accardo did years ago. He learned from the best. The difference is that the Outfit is smaller and less powerful than years ago.