Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Think about all the great posters here that have been banned over the years due to minor, stupid little infractions. You know guys like east harlem, vinnie, the dozen or so other guys that only post on blackhand. Even dicknose was amusing sometimes.

It would be one thing if that was just policy- break the rules however minor and get banned. But this worthless moron Nice guy has been posting garbage for almost a week, starting retarded wars, going on moronic rants and nothing happens.

If you are going to have policy around at least enforce it. Or don't have that kind of policy and allow people just to sort things out, sometimes trolls and over the line stuff is funny. But this selective stuff of banning stand up guys and allowing rats like nice guy to run wild is getting annoying.

If you have an issue with a member's posting style you can notify the moderators of a problem or you can simply ignore the offending member. Don't argue how the boards are moderated in public.

SC, im not going to go running to you like some snitch. Its your job, as head mod to control these wackjobs. It's not a matter of style, this guy been insulting and calling old timers horrific names. Which, as far as i can remember, was the pretense you used in all the former cases.

Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.
I've read the RICO Act, and I can tell you it's more appropriate...
for some of those guys over in Washington than it is for me or any of my fellas here