Gin: you are right this happens all the time .
Jose: I have said this before , the crew (family)that is running things now just do not have the rackets that they had back in the day. These guys depend on poker machines and just above street level dealing. Now there may be an racket that comes along now and then that puts good amount of cash in there pocket(not often}
Think what these guys spend a week ,cars house two three woman .That life costs ,so it comes in and goes out.Never have money for when then need it. That is why when they need it it is not there. When was the last time you seen a philly guy in the news with a 15 or 20 million dollar racket.... NOT
Yes the football ect. puts cash to throw around but come on how can that cover 45 wiseguys .

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."