Originally Posted By: Gingello101182
Hey buddy I see you are new here. I would use the search function and type in steven crea and you will get all the information you want much quicker than waiting for a reponse. At this point any guess on the Lucchese hierarchy is guess work on anyone's part. As far as we know Joe Cardi is still consigliere. Some people say Bowat Baratta is underboss, I have heard Joey Giampa is under, Joe Lubrano as under, you get the idea. Certain guys like Pizzaboy, Ivyleague, Skinny, or any other senior poster could give you more info than I can. I hope this helped a little bit.

While we can speculate all day, just like we didn't know Crea was boss until the feds released that info, we won't know who's underboss or if Caridi is still consigliere until further info comes out.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.