Originally Posted By: JCB1977
While it is interesting to read, this demonstrates the "members of today's La Cosa Nostra." This guy would have disappeared if old timers like Carlo was in charge. I have read about him and he is a great earner, but obviously he doesn't care or his superiors embrace narcotics trafficking. The mafia was a lot stronger, more secretive and had way more power in the old days...amazing how times have changed...for the worst.

Its amazing how they've adapted with the times, they're criminals and the old-timers were too, if Carlo or the chin were around now they wouldn't kill a made guy who's bringing in a good amount of money. Times change for the worse because police have learned from past mistakes, have more resources and Info. To say there not as honourable or don't have the brains the old-timers do is a stupid fantasy imho, crime was easier back in the day than it is now. Your always saying todays gangsters don't hold a candle to the old guys but the old guys around today are still making them so...

Last edited by SgWaue86; 02/06/14 04:16 PM.