Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: Nice_Guy
And WTF is CajunLand and who is the CajunMafia lol
Gimme some stories hahaha

Dude everyone sees what a fanboy you are. Guaranteed your not over 20. When you get mad all you do is call people vulgar expressions. You think that makes you tough or something? You think guys look at your posts and say "oh he just called that guy a fag, he is a tough guy!!"

And if you want to know what the Cajun Mafia is type it into Google it isn't that
hard to find. If all your going to do is call people curse words you have a very high immaturity level for a grown up.

So you started wit me saying I'm dating the mob, telling me I'm not over 20, but when I go on the defense I'm immature? And you call me a fanboy?? We'll I am a fan of guys that live the life and actually play by the rules it's entertainment for me that's it, and to me you are a fan too, your on here posting and commenting on people you don't know just like me, to me you are a [BadWord] because of the way you act on here, me I'm just a guy that's killin Time gossiping with your bitch ass, so don't talk shit to me cause I do defend myself by any means necessary on here, and remember all I can do to you is call you names I can't punch u threw your computer which you clearly deserve.