Rizzo was, how do we say, unhappy with anyone who wasn't caucasian. If you do a youtube search of him, you will find him threatening a news reporter. Rizzo is in his 70s by then.

My family said that Rizzo always kept the city clean, with the exception of the LCN. But, Rizzo holds the record at one time for leaving the city office with the largest deficit to his successor; over $250 million. In the late 70s that would be like $800 million today. But the mayor after that dropped a bomb on the city, IN LITERAL TERMS (Wilson Goode - See MOVE)

Bottom line, these guys are gonna get all the help they can get because of Rizzo and the way he treated cops and how much love everyone has for him around these parts. AND because none of them were ever convicted with Bruno/Scarfo/stanfa/merlino. Like the old saying, hang around with shit long enough, you start to smell like it.

I sometimes get caught up in the "POWER" of LCN when reading about it. I just watched the Bonanno movie on youtube the other day. From that, you might think he was fucking Ghandi, the way he "solved" the worlds problems. Come on, this is 2013, not 1950, or even 1980.

Point is, SCARFO is/was a bad motherfucker. People who knew/know him personally will tell you he would have you killed for looking at him the wrong way. But, there were certain people even he wouldn't fuck with at the peak of his career. Rizzo and anyone associated with him was definitely one of them. NO DOUBT.

There are plenty of people in the Philly LCN territory who operate in an illegal capacity but will never get on LCN radar. It's too easy to be sneaky with websites, and much too easy to get caught. But, still people will try to maintain a small book, loanshark operation, etc.,

Anyone who broadcasts they are LCN is a fucking MORON and deserves to get caught. You might as well say you are with the NYPD, or the Pagans, or MS-13, or any other group. One for all, all for one.

Fuck that. Live for yourself, your spouse and your real family. There are very few gang members who will keep you warm at night or raise your kid for you the right way when you go to jail. Those days are over.

Boss of tha toilet!