Avoiding a war?

If you see a war with another family in the midst how do you avoid it?

I'd have a sit-down with another families upper echelon along with mine and discuss the problem (say it was a bit like the one in sopranos that led to the end series war) I would try reach a fair accommodation and tell them which way the cold wind blows when it comes to my territory

If they were too stubborn and it looked like they might try to kill my guys, I'd tell my crews to hideout in specified safe-houses and I would hide out with my Consigliere and Front Boss in a family owned motel outside of town and send messengers to my Capo's on who to kill, the safe-houses would change once a month throughout the duration ordering my Irish, African-America or Jewish allies to perform hits, in the meantime I would try reach out to another family to be mediators

Last edited by Philip_Lombardo; 02/03/14 09:10 AM.