Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I am not looking for the answer that I want to hear, I am looking for a LEGITIMATE answer to the EXACT question!
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
The question here was why did Kerry Vote against that war when that President did exactly what Kerry said this President should have done.
He voted against it and that's fact.
Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Bottom Line, you STILL HAVE NOT answered the ORIGINAL question that I posted! Typical!
Answers to your question:

Originally posted by Don Marco:
As for why Kerry did or did not vote against it, I can't say.
Originally posted by Patrick:
I'm not John Kerry. Go ask him if you want to know. Geez.
Oh, and I did not ignore the other responses that you gave. I just thought that it was past your bedtime and that you would not be able to read my reply. But I guess you had to wake up for your diaper change and bottle!
That's the third insult tonight, Don Cardi. It's getting a tad bit annoying. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop. Grazie. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur