JCB , hello again . Great read and analysis . There are a few more tidbits to this also .To tie some things together ; jackie presser was very close to harold friedman507 & 19 teamster pres . Who aso had control of pension funds .If you look at all their BAs they were all either assoc . or made men in cleve lcn .These ties led to jewish guys in other places which was & $$$$ for cleve lcn = chuck zucker & sobol - textiles & clothing bus (w/ ny) zuckers son dale & stuart garson took over milanos law firm & would be @iab club every tues nite sittin w/ the cleve lcn . Also sobol was tied in to horses , also led to more $$ . They were also tied in w/ embrecia & vending business which was more $$ . All of these ties w/ jewish people came from maishe. They led to chicago and ny furthering relationships w/ the other families . Also he made intro in calif . of digravio to outfit to collect a debt for them . Things went awry ( he did collect debt & returned back unknowing he too was duped ) they put the hit on him in cleve . & upon finding out they were wrong , always had a tie to cleve & felt indebted to them for mistake . I will give you more after