Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by LBG:
[b] I watched a documentary on TV today about the Bush regime and its motives...Then I thought, "fucking hell, I hope that the Americans gets rid of this regime on the 2nd november."

Because it is really sickening.
Since everything we watch on TV must be completely factual and unbiased, eh Gustav? [/b][/quote]You are putting my quote in the wrong perspective and you know it. I find that very insulting. What I said was sickening was the 2 facts that I line up in the end - that members of the Bin Ladin family left USA on the 12th and the fact that some guys thought that the attack was positive since they could use it. The first of those is proven and it is no value that a biased documentary film expresses - it is, again, a fact.

"Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your day.
Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play"
"Hello hello it's good to be back, it's good to be back"