I watched a documentary on TV today about the Bush regime and its motives. Apparently some guys around Bush thought that the WTC attacks was the best thing that could happen to the USA - it gave them the motive they needed to start attacking middle east nations. One of the theories that was shown was the fact that the neoconservatives and fundamental christians believes in the surviving of Israel as the only way to go to heaven. Some guy said "To be able to understand the whole situation in the middle east and the motives of the US, we have to consider Israel as a 51st state of the USA".

Two of the most disturbing facts I learned was that 1) The Bin Ladin family was allowed to leave the USA on the 12th and 2) As people jumped out of the WTC and died some advisor called the white house and said "blame Iraq".

Then I thought, "fucking hell, I hope that the Americans gets rid of this regime on the 2nd november."

Because it is really sickening.

"Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your day.
Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play"
"Hello hello it's good to be back, it's good to be back"