Where would you operate?

I will be operating in Southern California and the border with Mexico, I have two crew in San Diego which through a construction company would build houses with tunnel to Tijuana to pass drugs and illegal immigrants, I also have two crew in Las Vegas and Reno and one in Los Angeles.

What would your hierarchy be?

Ndrangheta style with two societies:

A Major Soiciety: First the boss that is completely isolated from other criminal activities, then we would the cashier that deals exclusively with the money laundering, under the cashier, there would be santisti, which can be Italian or not and be police officers, politicians and all kinds of ties that needs to run the family.

A Minor Society: every crew must have from 7 to 20 soldiers,headed by a capitan
link with the crews and the Major Society is the street boss.


Boss Cashier

Santisti Street Boss



High Profile or Low?

I would use a low profile except when I would have to do with other bikers as criminals or other gangs, I would hide behind the facade of honest businessman perhaps as a builder, I would also interest in porn and in any other activity which I was able to get my hands , ostenterei only what I could buy with that which apparently gain.
I would make sure that only the people that I trust blindly know that they are the boss, use technology to prevent eavesdropping and would prohibit the use of my name, maybe I would use pieces of paper to give orders (like Provenzano).

Policy on Drugs?

I would make a alliance with both bikers with both black and Latino gangs that with my contacts with the Ndrangheta would buy both arms and drugs, and given to my allies to sell them on the street and then divide the profits, these profits a part goes to the crew of the territory. I would use the bikers for transfer to all the Southern California to Los Angeles. However, the soldiers that use or sell drug directly will die.

Meeting ?

Only with the ally for the contact with the crews there are the street boss

Making Guys ?

If a captain or soldier can indicate a possible made man, this has ten years to prove to be worthy ie to be a good earner, to be loyal and smart, but above all ready to kill everyone even his friend or a relative. I'll examine each candidate through the investigators (social security numbers, etc.) to prove where he was born etc for understand if he is an undercover agent.

Finding out if guys are rats

by corruption anyone can give me information if my man is an informant or a rat, or if there are serious suspicions, kill immediatly the man sospect.