Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
Originally Posted By: TheArm
Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
My god before The Arm came on here there were some bullshitters but this spacone makes those guys like the most credible of posters. I don't believe anything and we shouldn't entertain his statments by asking him shit.

I'm the best connected guy you will ever have the privalage of taking to sonny boy

I know, i know. Doesnt make you feel like an ass pretending to be something your not on the internet. Why share all this inside info with a bunch of mob-watchers on the net. Im not a dick but damn man what's your end-game?

First, if I say something you can bet your ass i know what I am talking about, I have been in and around the life I would bet before you wee born
As for me, It'sm a guilty pleasure where I vent and keep in real in a sea of misinformation and bullshit.
Finally, what is really funny is I give out almsiot no "Inside information", its just the facts that anyone who really knows WTF they are talking about already knows, as opposed to the wikipedia, media and laughable FBI public files shared on sites like this.
If you notice I only talk about what i know, Buffalo and Upstate NY where I came up, Scranton and the Columbos who I scaped with, The A-B C wars, and Chicago and Rockford where I live now
STFU and listen and ask questions, you might just learn something

Last edited by TheArm; 01/29/14 04:30 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.