Originally Posted By: TimmyTwoTimer
Please son, don't insult my intelligence... wink

FACT: The drug market in the Toronto area is easily twice the size of everything between Hamilton, Buffalo, Rochester and Youngstown

FACT: The gambling market in Toronto is easily twice the size of everything between Hamilton, Buffalo, Rochester and Youngstown

FACT: Any racket you can think of in Toronto is easily twice the size of everything between Hamilton, Buffalo, Rochester and Youngstown

FACT: The residential construction industry in Toronto is 100,000 times the size of everything between Hamilton, Buffalo, Rochester and Youngstown


Go back to shaking down newspaper stands, it's not 1970 anymore... Maggadino died a long time ago and unless they control New York Buffalo can't hold a candle... I kid of course, about shaking down newspaper stands...although, I suppose you'll tell me 20 made 80 year olds in Buffalo control ndrangheta clans in Toronto

And you thuink it is ndrangheta that controls all that?
You have no idea how laughable that is.
Ndrangheta is the " Carlos the Jackle" of OC.
Paper tigers hiding behind myth and legend.
I told you what theyy control and what they are, half brain dead heroin addicted Zips who can't find their ass with both hands, and use Biker gangs to find it for them.
They smuggle cigeretts, shake down indian bingo halls, and trade muscle for a pass on juice from meth dealing Bikers. They are common Eurotrash.
Sorry, I know you have this all built up in your mind, sorry to have to be the one to tell you the Boogie man does not exist. Thats what happens when you get your "inside information" from op eds in the newspaper. LOL

Last edited by TheArm; 01/29/14 04:00 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.