was just reading a little article about his upcoming testimony aagainst his 2 co defedents in this robbery/murder trial were he was the shooter. it happened in 2010 no way I don't care who he told on is he getting off without atleast 10yrs. feds give out gifts but noway he gets out in a yr. but holy shit the circus this trial will become I cant believe the fbi is goin to put him up on stand they hate the mob wives show so much there making it look creditable. I really cant believe all the mobsters on staten island havnt started leaving dead fish on all the girls front steps. this just makes there boro look soft. tg is lucky to be alive, the other 4 mob familes must laugh at the bonano;s for this shit its out of control. the 2 will get plea bargains of like 6 or 8yrs noway will this play out in the news and tv. I see the show its preety stupid just that crazed drugg addict pushing around some hot chick from philly if shes really from sp. now it says here cousons are alledged mobsters any one now who the hot chick with the funeral parlors family is?