U guys are aware your talking about a bunch of killers and scam artists right? Drug dealers and terrorists gets caught all the time which planet are u guys living on? U guys want these mobsters on the streets so bad until it's one of ur family members that gets killed or they cheat one of ur family members out of thier life savings. Yeah I bet u felt real safe when they was shaking down momand pop stores, I bet u felt real safe when u was scared to go to the cops and tell them u saw a crime oput of fear that u might get killed, did it make u feel safe when u walked by a garbage can with a body chopped up? Or maybe u felt safe when they was using little joey as a runner and his pops didn't have the balls to stand up to them. I don't have a horse in the race I just enjoy the cat and mouse games

"McGurn likes you, so I make you. So you are now one of us, if you fuck up, we take it out on McGurn. He is your sponsor. Fuck up, it's his ass. You work in his crew, he is your capo."