Originally Posted By: bobbyvegas
Originally Posted By: jmack
Originally Posted By: VegasMikey
I know there were a lot of trolls in the last thread but why on earth would they close it before finding out what happened with his bail motion or retrial?

It's not the administrators fault as much as it is the Jerk offs who have nothing to do with Philly in the first place. If they didn't shut it down it would have just continued to be the bull shit thread it had become with a whole bunch of internet tough guys. So, for the non Philly guys who bring nothing to the thread, let the adults speak.

I agree jmack, nice_guy was getting out of hand. I woulda liked to see that thread go on. Question for you philly guys. What are dom grande's daily moves. Also, what are the chances anthony nicodemo beats his case, and if he does, is he gonna do anything with borgesi?

Me outta hand? You called me a name first and I was just busting balls back n you took it all serious, so please don't blame it on me. 2nd I don't know any of these Guys but a couple of my friends did time wit philly guys and said thy were just like Chicago guys, cool, calm, and respectful so it got me to start digging in deeper to know who these characters are, and this trial had me hooked because they were unfairly prosecuted, but maybe your mad at me because I backed the defense the entire time and slammed the judge and prosecutors daily lol, But to me they deserved it.
Anyways good for Uncle Joe he'll be home by Tomo, and from what I heard these philly guys turned out being everything my friends said they were...Stand up!!