Originally Posted By: thebigfella
I don't think so, ricca ,hump,and accardo must also be considered the old guard and nothing happened to them, my question is why only guzik, It doesn't make sense

You cannot consider Accardo as the old guard because he was older that Giancana for only two years.Mooney was THe Humps and Ricca's underling since the 20's.He did a lot of jobs for them.The financial brains like Guzik and Gioe didnt like violence.The Hump was one of the brains alright but he was a ruthless bastard.He did a lot of kidnappings and murders in his time so it was like a different faction.No need to say anything about Ricca.

PLus during that period(the alleged kidnapping)Ricca was in jail.Also during that time Accardo had to like Sam because of the policy racket.Accardo's main vice was gambling.And during Mooneys reign,Gioe was murdered and Guzik died of natural causes(cardiac arrest),too much pressure maybe wink who knows?!

About the question "Why Guzik?"i really dont know.We can only speculate

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good