Ok here's some questions on situations or just other general mob boss stuff

Where would you operate?

The rust belt cities are the best. St. Louis, KC, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore. Anywhere where there is no OC task force or FBI presence presently looking for Mob activity.

What would your hierarchy be?

Always an intermediary. I think the key is to stay off of recordings. What would be wrong with writing orders like murder or violence on a piece of paper, deleting the message, then crumpling up the paper and putting it back in your pocket?

High Profile or Low?

Low Low Low.
Look like a bum on paper. Live in a middle class house or whatever your legit job can afford. Cadillacs or whatever are fine, they're gingerbread. The real crime is the excessive assets and housing. Look middle class. Take a page from Uncle Joe's book. Better to never work a day in your life and live 60 years a free man as a middle class guy than 5 or 6 years as a Gotti style boss.

Policy on Drugs?

Is there any use avoiding it now a days? If you keep the drugs biz down to financing upstart street dealers you should be okay. Any of your high level guys that you have direct contact with should shield themselves from direct contact. The key is layers IMO.


Restaurants are fine but keep the kissing and fanboy spankbank material to a minimum. I like how the Tocco's do in Detroit. Nobody can forbid family from meeting family. Whoever suggested intermarrying is spot on.

That being said, any boss should prepare for a descent stint in prison. The Government is just really good. They'll find a way in, no matter how long it takes. The best you can do is damage control.

Last edited by FrankMazola; 01/25/14 01:44 AM.

F. Mazola, Esq.