Where would u operate:

I would base my business in a place that doesn't have a mafia presence like colorado, I would dominate the neighboring territory and place crews in open states like florida and california, I myself would live in a different state and order my men not to do anything illegal where I live at


I would have a 3 man capo regime running operations with a spokesperson to carry my messages to the panel, I would order my men to never mention my name, I would have 7 capos and I would have any additional capos placed under and answer to one of my 7 capos in a "christmas tree " structure, I would make it hard to be made and place a lot of responsibilities on my associates, I would give my capo regime the green light to whack people if they follow certain guidelines and give them permission to make people but only when I say


I would be isolated in my state with a reputation as a business man, I would invest in business, donate to charity and go to church every week, I would always be seen with my family

drug policy:

I would limit my families involvment with drugs to wholesaling and I would only let my associates handle it


I would only let my spokesperson meet with my capo regime, if I'm seen with any members of the family it would be in a social outing and they must never to discuss business in that social outing, I would just be one of the guys

p.s.: I would encourage my members to intermarriage

"McGurn likes you, so I make you. So you are now one of us, if you fuck up, we take it out on McGurn. He is your sponsor. Fuck up, it's his ass. You work in his crew, he is your capo."