Ok here's some questions on situations or just other general mob boss stuff

Where would you operate?

I'd operate in Los Angeles with 3 crews there each operating over bread-and-butter rackets such as Gambling, Loan Sharking and Extortion also I'd get guys from my crews into the porn business, working guys into the LA docks in Long Beach and getting a piece of all the strip clubs and rub/tug's massage parlors in and around LA, also I'd open up a Front company for protection of businesses (like Patsy in Sopranos) as a protection racket, each crew would have the duty to hold influence in a major union etc; Longshoremen, Laborers and Teamsters which would go towards construction projects, along with a crew in San Diego running the same kinda stuff, 2 soldiers in Vegas and Reno for clubs or whatever, (sounds like a good idea from the other guy that mentioned it) my crews would have 7-15 soldiers in them depending on how many were needed to run operations

What would your hierarchy be?

I know there's basic Associate, Soldier, Capo, Admin ranks but what other titles would you have specially for insulation.

I would be the Underboss/de-facto Boss involved in construction like Johnny Sack (keep a lower profile though) and all Capo's would have 2 Lieutenants (advisably)(Also another good idea from a guy posting below) guys would have certain operations such as guns, drugs and diamonds trafficking but it would be partnered with other ethic gangs such as the Irish with the guns, African Americans with the drugs and a Jewish crew with the diamonds it would be slightly hands on where one of my guys oversees this and takes his cut for being involved and if the one of the other crews gets busted me and my a lot of my guys aren't arrested but if the guy I put there is for some time I'll promise to take care of his family try save him ratting

High Profile or Low?

I'd be in the middle, stuff like no Cadillac Limo's or some stuff like that but maybe a car that the working man would have to work their ass off for like a BMW or Mercedes Exec car and then I would go out to clubs in nice suits but try keep it to my own family's clubs and not talk business there (just make it look like friends out enjoying themselves, with mistresses's on the weekend), my house would be middle class but secluded also my mother would live there and somebody I trust would be home 24/7 so the fed's wouldn't break in and bug me, my legit business would most likely involve waste management, I would have my son drive me even if he became Underboss, one last thing I would forbid use of my name like Gigante or Massino they must point at their nose to refer to me, Capo's and the Soldier's working partnerships with the ethnic gangs kickup only directly kick up to me and do it in installments (a few guys deliver the envolope to seperate locations and it's a different guy and location everytime then somebody I trust would collect it [preferably my son]) also passing orders would be through my lawyer who would carry it on a piece of paper have the guy I want the order passed to go to my lawyers office read the note and then the lawyer would burn it (the guys been paid by me it's perfectly safe)

Policy on Drugs?

I would allow drug dealing but Soldier's and Prospecting Associates ready to get 'straightened out' couldn't deal directly but one of their earners could be a dealer but if their dealing themselves they would be whacked (shelving increases risk of ratting if they continue afterwards), although as said above I would be partnered with the African Americans when it came to drugs


I would meet at big fields and have a trusted guy collect the person at short notice so if they were going to get a wire they wouldn't have time to put it on the one-to-one meetings would be basically out of the blue but mostly I'd send a messenger to meet with other Bosses and Capos but if I needed to speak to a Capo and feel him out for signs of being a rat or just shout at him for messing up his operations, sometimes I'd meet in my home but this meeting would involve the person being searched for a wire (my guys will understand it's procedure), full Capo and Admin meetings would be during a crisis such as rumors of indictments

Bringing guys in
I would ask that a prospecting member have a good money maker with a minimum kickup of $1,500 a week and to be known for 10 year's also I would do that Detroit relation thing and ask my made guys to recommend their sons for membership or to join as an enforcer/associate like Massino ensure loyalty

Finding out if guys are rats
I know this method is a bit Gotti but I would ask Capo's to make sure their soldiers meet up at a location at a certain time and if their late or don't turn up and then turn up another time the capo must then ask his excuse example; if it was the same as Pusy Bompensiero's then the soldier would stay at the meeting place while another guy went to collaborate his story (maybe we use a cop on the payroll if it's a hospital) if it doesn't check out we whack him plain and simple, the same will be done with those 3 soldiers with hands in the Guns, Drugs and Diamonds business

Indictments coming down
I would have a full family meeting and tell my Capo's to make sure their soldiers to keep everything on the low down and try to look legit as possible no new operations and collection on Drug profits must be laundered before it reaches a Soldier/Capo

The Soldier's working under me would be asked to collect one last kickup from the joint op's and I'd convince the other ethnic crew's to keep a low down so the Fed's don't realise were operating together (if they already haven't)

Note: If there's anything I missed out please say

Last edited by Philip_Lombardo; 02/05/14 07:33 AM.