To me, this show just couldn't keep my interest like other Mob related movies and television shows. The storyline's I felt like were all over the place. And this is supposed to be about the LA OC's battle with the LAPD, yet the main storyline throughout the whole show was between that fucking cop, Shane from the Walking Dead, and that broad who took the pictures of Bugsy killing that guy. The Sid Rothman character I liked, I like the guy who plays Mickey Cohen and the other fictional gangster, the one who was in the war and friends with Shane from the Walking Dead. I agree with whoever said the casting of Bugsy sucked, and the guy they brought in to play Meyer Lanksy in the last episode. And I just HATED how they had the cop be the one who murdered Bugsy, all over that fucking broad again. Completely contradicted history and it just wasn't necessary.

This will most likely be picked up for more episodes, and they're going to continue rewriting history with the whole "It wasn't us who killed Bugsy, Mickey. Find out who done it" shit.