Maybe you never grew up in one of the 5 boros. I did say occasional, obviously more likely from a 12y/o rather then the 10y/o but kid yourself not it has & does continue to happened. Also noting that not some kids in that lifestyle progress faster then others and I know of a few who were shooting guys way before they were nineteen. Some people can disagree or dis-believe what I have posted, that's fine. I can understand, especially in today's day and age when guys are considered tuff guys because they didn't attend catholic school or they mock a rookie cop walking the beat. People in that lifestyle who stick around awhile do that by always being one step ahead of the other guy, and part of that comes recognizing ones talent and weaknesses.

"He who never was can never be, He who was has always been and will always be." Sun Tzu

You can read about it, watch movies and TV documentaries, but chances are unless you lived it you will not truly understand.