Originally Posted By: Marbala
I'm gonna give you the marbala tuff classification test. This test is fail proof. During the ages 10-12 kids start really showing signs of aggression in this lifestyle with fist fighting and maybe an occasional bat or pipe beating. At 13-15 certain kids start to really standout to street guys anD usually run the groups of kids they run with. Highly aggressive usually cutting school and selling some weed maybe stealing car. At 16-18 is pretty much the tell all, at this point the weaker or kids who don't really have the heart and drive for this lifestyle are weeded out and the one who've made it this far Are usually pulling off smaller scores, toting pistols, lone sharking. At 19-21 your already on record with a crew putting in work extorting guys and probably in today's day in age pulled a small skid bid. If you ain't made a name for yourself by this time you never will. Many guys can perpetrate a fraud, you may have a guy this age who looks the part to an average person and is with some serious people because he is getting raped for all his money but these guys will always be gangtsa ATMs. Just because a kid get into a few fights or sells a weed bag here and there and drives a nice car don't mean shit. As unfair as it is the true tuff guys are fighting everyday just to stay alive amongst all the pit vipers that they call friends. And the good ones play the game well enough to tell the story.

They call that soft extortion in NYC.